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Here Are Just 3 Of The Many Benefits of Building Up Glutathione In Your System

Increase Imunnity.

Glutathione is a clinically proven immunity builder.


There is no other substance in the body that does a better job detoxifying. Glutathione is known as "the master detoxifier".

Anti Aging Properties.

The combined effect of Detoxification, increased immunity and overall better nutritional absorption has proven to have unparalleled anti aging qualities.

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Historic Firsts in Whey Protein, Glutathione, and the Immune System


(To view the publications, go to, search for "pubmed" and enter the 7 digit numbers given below.

1981/1988: Gustavo Bounous and colleagues were the first to discover the effect of a whey protein on the immune system.

J. Infect Dis. 1981 Sept;144:281. Pubmed PMID:7024433

Influence of dietary lactalbumin hydrolysate on the immune system of mice and resistance to salmonellosis.

Bounous G, Stevenson MM, Kongshavn PA.

Clin Invest Med. 1988 Aug;11:271-8. Pubmed PMID:3168349

The immunoenhancing property of dietary whey protein concentrate.

Bounous G, Kongshavn PA, Gold P.

“The plaque-forming cell response to sheep red blood cells was found to be enhanced in mice fed a formula diet containing 20g lactalbumin/100 g diet”. (The humoral immune response eliminates bacteria in the body).

1986: Wulf Dröge and colleagues were the first to discover the effect of glutathione on the immune system in a living organism.

Immunobiology. 1986 Aug;172:151-6. Pubmed PMID:3490430

Glutathione augments the activation of cytotoxic T lymphocytes in vivo.

Dröge W, Pottmeyer-Gerber C, Schmidt H, Nick S.

“The activation of T lymphocytes in vivo was found to be augmented by glutathione”. (Cytotoxic T cells eliminate virus-infected cells in the body, and T cells help B cells to produce a humoral immune response).

1989: Wulf Dröge and colleagues were the first to discover that HIV-infected patients have abnormally low cysteine and glutathione levels.

Biol Chem Hoppe Seyler. 1989 Feb;370:101-8. Pubmed PMID: 2784973

Low concentrations of acid-soluble thiol (cysteine) in the blood plasma of HIV-1 infected patients.

Eck HP, Gmünder H, Hartmann M, Petzoldt D, Daniel V, Dröge W.

“Blood plasma from HIV-1-infected persons contains decreased cysteine concentrations. The intracellular glutathione concentration in peripheral blood-mononuclear cells (PBMC) and monocytes from HIV positive persons are also significantly decreased”.

1989: Gustavo Bounous and colleagues were the first to discover that glutathione plays a role in the effect of whey protein on the immune system.

Clin Invest Med. 1989 June;12:154-61. Pubmed PMID:2743633

Immunoenhancing property of dietary whey protein in mice: role of glutathione.

Bounous G, Batist G, Gold P.

“Enhancement of host humoral immune response is associated with sustained production of splenic glutathione in whey protein fed mice”.

1998: Wulf Dröge and colleagues were the first to discover the age-related decrease in the plasma concentration of cysteine, the limiting precursor of glutathione.

Blood. 1998 July; 92:59-67. Pubmed PMID: 9639500

The Redox State as a Correlate of Senescence and Wasting and as a Target for Therapeutic Intervention

Hack V, Breitkreutz R, Kinscherf R, Rörer H, Bartsch P, Taut F, Benner A and Dröge W.

“Our study showed a decrease in the plasma thiol level indicative of an age-dependent shift to a more oxidized condition”.

2008: Gustavo Bounous & Wulf Dröge and colleagues were the first to show in a placebo controlled clinical trial the health benefits of an undenatured whey protein isolate in cancer patients.

Antiox. & Redox Signaling. 2008. Feb;10:395-402. PMID:18158761.

Cysteine-Rich Protein Reverses Weight Loss in Lung Cancer Patients Receiving Chemotherapy or Radiotherapy

Tozer RG, Tai P, Falconer W, Ducruet T, Karabadjian A, Bounous G, Molson JH, Dröge W.

“The patients treated with the cysteine-rich protein had a mean increase of 2.5% body weight, whereas casein-treated patients lost 2.6%”.

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